Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Charity of The Year 2013!

Happy Holidays S+SR Readers!

Like last year, I'm dedicating my last December post to making the world a better place.  One thing that helps to do that are really great and innovative charities.  Last year I featured Project Peanut Butter.  This year I want to feature Free Rice!

Website is owned by Free Rice.  Hopefully they don't mind me promoting them.
Free rice is great because you don't need to actually donate your own money.  You simply have to donate your time and brain power.  You also get to learn a thing or two!

You simply pick a trivia category, then start answering the multiple choice questions.  For every right answer, Free Rice donates 10 grains of rice to the United Nations World Food Program!  How cool is that?!

Here are some of the free educational subjects you can learn through Free Rice:
Ugh, SAT prep....I hated that. I might have hated it less if I had done it through Free Rice!

This is me earning 30 grains of rice by still having s-k-i-l-l-s  at SAT questions.  Whooo!
Look how smart you can be if you played Free Rice every day!

So if you are feeling like upping your IQ while making the world a better place this holiday season, throw on your favorite music and spend some time playing on Free Rice.

Note for donation "Cheaters":  If you want to rack up grains of rice quickly play the "English Vocabulary" subject or Basic Math.  Easy peasy grains of rice....until the levels gets hard.  There are 60 levels of vocab so be ready!  You can definitely get a couple hundred grains no problem.  If you really want to cheat at higher levels, you can look things up on google...but your wouldn't do that...would you? *wink*

Check out Free Rice and I promise it will make you Shine and Sparkle on the inside!  If you play the vocab, let me know the highest level you get to in the comments below!  We can have a rice-off!  

Shine & Sparkle!

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